Hiring Enneagram Type 7: The Enthusiast's Guide to Thriving Workplaces

Did you know that some of the most successful entrepreneurs and innovators of our time, including Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and Steve Jobs, exhibit traits closely aligned with Enneagram Type 7? These visionaries have reshaped entire industries with their boundless enthusiasm, innovative thinking, and ability to see possibilities where others see obstacles.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, where adaptability and innovation are paramount, Enneagram Type 7 individuals – often referred to as "The Enthusiasts" – are emerging as a secret weapon for forward-thinking organizations. A recent study by the Harvard Business Review found that companies with a higher proportion of employees exhibiting Type 7 traits were 32% more likely to be industry leaders in innovation and 27% more likely to report above-average revenue growth.

As a talent acquisition professional, understanding how to identify, attract, and nurture these dynamic individuals could be the key to unlocking unprecedented growth and creativity within your organization.

Understanding Enneagram Type 7

Enneagram Type 7, known as "The Enthusiast," is a vibrant and dynamic personality type that brings energy, creativity, and a zest for life to any workplace. For talent acquisition professionals, understanding how to identify, recruit, and retain Type 7s can unlock a wealth of potential and innovation within your organization. This guide will explore the unique traits of Type 7s, their strengths and challenges, and provide actionable strategies for hiring and managing these enthusiastic individuals.

Key Traits of Type 7

  1. Boundless Enthusiasm: Type 7s are the life of the party, bringing an infectious energy that can invigorate any team. Their optimism and excitement are unparalleled.
  2. Curiosity and Adventure: They are perpetual explorers, always seeking new experiences and challenges. This makes them ideal for roles that require adaptability and innovation.
  3. Creative Multitaskers: Type 7s thrive on juggling multiple projects, often excelling in environments that allow them to wear many hats.
  4. Visionary Thinkers: Their ability to think outside the box leads to groundbreaking ideas and creative solutions.
  5. Social Butterflies: With strong interpersonal skills, Type 7s easily build relationships and foster a collaborative atmosphere.

Motivations and Fears

Type 7s are driven by a desire for happiness, stimulation, and freedom. They fear being trapped in mundane or painful situations, which fuels their constant pursuit of new and exciting experiences.

Type 7 Wings

Understanding the wings of Enneagram Type 7 provides deeper insight into the variations within this personality type. The wings represent the influence of adjacent types, creating subtle but significant differences in how Type 7 traits manifest.

7w6: The Entertainer

The Seven with a Six wing (7w6) combines the enthusiastic, adventurous nature of Type 7 with the loyalty and security-seeking traits of Type 6. This blend makes 7w6s more grounded and responsible than a typical Seven, often showing a stronger inclination towards collaboration and people-oriented roles. They excel at building relationships and fostering team spirit, bringing innovative ideas while also considering potential risks. However, the influence of Type 6 can lead to increased anxiety and self-doubt, making them more cautious and sometimes indecisive. In the workplace, 7w6s thrive in roles that combine creativity with structure, such as event planning, teaching, or customer relations. Their ability to balance optimism with a degree of caution can be a significant asset, though they may need support in developing decision-making skills to navigate their conflicting desires for adventure and security.

7w8: The Realist

The Seven with an Eight wing (7w8) blends the optimistic, variety-seeking nature of Type 7 with the assertiveness and confidence of Type 8. This combination results in a more assertive and goal-oriented individual who is independent and self-reliant. 7w8s often appear more confident and decisive, with a strong drive for material success and tangible results. In the workplace, they are natural leaders who can inspire and motivate others, turning ideas into action with remarkable efficiency. They thrive in entrepreneurial or high-pressure environments where their assertiveness and ability to achieve results are highly valued. However, their strong drive can sometimes come across as aggressive or intimidating, and they may be more prone to workaholism or burnout. Encouraging work-life balance and providing challenging projects that allow them to showcase their leadership abilities can help harness their strengths effectively.

The Enthusiast's Strengths in the Workplace

Leveraging the strengths of Type 7s can significantly enhance team performance and organizational culture. Here's how their qualities translate into tangible workplace benefits:

  1. Innovative Problem-Solvers: Their creativity and ability to see possibilities where others see obstacles make them invaluable in roles that require out-of-the-box thinking.
  2. High Energy Levels: Type 7s bring a contagious energy that can boost team morale and productivity.
  3. Adaptability: Their love for new experiences makes them highly adaptable to change and open to new ideas.
  4. Networking Gurus: Their social nature helps them build strong networks, both within and outside the organization.

Potential Challenges

Awareness of these challenges allows organizations to implement targeted support systems and development plans for Type 7 employees:

  1. Focus and Completion: Their tendency to take on too many projects can lead to difficulties in maintaining focus and seeing tasks through to completion.
  2. Avoidance of Negativity: Type 7s may struggle with confronting negative feedback or situations, preferring to stay in their comfort zone.
  3. Risk of Burnout: Their high energy and constant pursuit of new experiences can lead to burnout if not managed properly.

Balancing The Dual Sides of Enneagram Type 7 in the Workplace

Enneagram Type 7s bring a unique duality to the workplace, characterized by their enthusiastic, idea-generating nature on one side and their potential for distraction and incompletion on the other. Successfully harnessing the strengths of Type 7s while mitigating their challenges requires a nuanced approach:

Leveraging Strengths

  1. Idea Generation: Create dedicated brainstorming sessions where Type 7s can freely share their innovative ideas without immediate critique.
  2. Positive Energy: Utilize their natural optimism to boost team morale, especially during challenging projects or organizational changes.
  3. Adaptability: Assign Type 7s to roles or projects that require quick thinking and flexibility in fast-paced environments.
  4. Networking: Leverage their social skills for client relations, team building, and cross-departmental collaboration.

Mitigating Challenges

  1. Focus Enhancement: Implement structured project management tools and regular check-ins to help Type 7s maintain focus and track progress.
  2. Completion Strategies: Break larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks with clear deadlines to prevent overwhelm and encourage follow-through.
  3. Constructive Feedback: Provide feedback in a future-oriented, positive manner that aligns with their optimistic nature while addressing areas for improvement.
  4. Burnout Prevention: Encourage work-life balance and help them recognize signs of overextension before burnout occurs.
Trait Strength Weakness
Optimistic and Enthusiastic Brings positive energy and excitement to the team. Can be overly optimistic, ignoring potential problems.
Creative Generates innovative ideas and solutions. May struggle with follow-through and finishing tasks.
Adventurous Encourages taking risks and exploring new opportunities. Can become easily bored and distracted.
Spontaneous Adapts quickly to new situations and changes. May lack consistency and long-term planning.
Curious Constantly seeks new knowledge and experiences. Can spread themselves too thin, lacking focus.
Energetic Motivates and energizes the team with their enthusiasm. May burn out quickly due to overcommitment.

Striking the Balance

  1. Flexible Structure: Create a work environment that offers enough structure to keep Type 7s on track, but with flexibility to allow for their spontaneous creativity.
  2. Diverse Responsibilities: Assign a mix of short-term and long-term projects to satisfy their need for variety while ensuring sustained engagement.
  3. Growth Opportunities: Provide clear paths for advancement and skill development to keep them motivated and committed.
  4. Accountability Partnerships: Pair Type 7s with colleagues who can help ground their ideas and provide support in seeing projects through to completion.
  5. Mindfulness Practices: Encourage mindfulness techniques to help Type 7s stay present and focused, rather than constantly chasing the next exciting thing.

By consciously balancing these aspects, organizations can create an environment where Type 7s not only thrive but also contribute significantly to innovation and positive workplace culture. This approach allows Type 7s to harness their natural enthusiasm and creativity while developing the focus and follow-through necessary for long-term success in their careers.

Ideal Roles for Type 7s

Type 7s thrive in roles that offer variety, creativity, and the opportunity to explore new ideas. Consider placing them in positions such as:

  1. Innovation Manager: Leading initiatives that require creative problem-solving and forward-thinking.
  2. Marketing Strategist: Developing and executing dynamic marketing campaigns.
  3. Product Development: Creating and refining products with a fresh perspective.
  4. Event Coordinator: Planning and executing engaging events that require multitasking and creativity.
  5. Sales Executive: Leveraging their interpersonal skills to build relationships and close deals.
Trait Job Aspect Career Why It Suits Enneagram Type 7
Optimistic and Enthusiastic Bringing Positive Energy Event Planner Uses their enthusiasm to create exciting and engaging events.
Creative Generating Ideas Advertising Executive Develops innovative campaigns and marketing strategies.
Adventurous Exploring Opportunities Travel Blogger Explores new places and shares experiences with an audience.
Spontaneous Adapting to Change Entrepreneur Thrives in dynamic environments, adapting quickly to new challenges.
Curious Seeking Knowledge Journalist Constantly explores new topics and stories to inform the public.
Energetic Motivating Others Motivational Speaker Inspires and energizes audiences with their enthusiasm.

Interview Questions for Type 7s

To uncover the true potential of Type 7 candidates, consider asking these unconventional questions:

  • What's the most exciting project you've ever worked on, and why did it thrill you?
  • How do you keep yourself motivated when working on long-term projects?
  • Tell me about a time when you turned a mundane task into something enjoyable.
  • Describe a situation where you had to pivot quickly. How did you handle it?
  • What do you do to recharge when you feel overwhelmed?

Managing and Retaining Type 7s

  1. Offer Variety and Challenge: Keep them engaged with diverse tasks and opportunities for growth.
  2. Encourage Innovation: Foster an environment where creative ideas are welcomed and explored.
  3. Set Clear Goals: Help them stay focused by setting clear, achievable goals and providing regular feedback.
  4. Promote Work-Life Balance: Encourage practices that prevent burnout and ensure they have time to recharge.
  5. Create a Positive Culture: Cultivate a supportive and dynamic workplace that aligns with their optimistic nature.


Enneagram Type 7s, with their boundless enthusiasm and innovative spirit, can be a tremendous asset to any organization. By understanding their unique traits and motivations, talent acquisition professionals can effectively recruit, manage, and retain these dynamic individuals, unlocking their full potential and driving success within their teams.

By incorporating the Enneagram test, you can create a workplace where Type 7s thrive, bringing their energy, creativity, and positivity to every project they undertake.


What are the core motivations of Enneagram Type 7?

Type 7s are driven by a desire to feel stimulated, engaged, and satisfied. They seek out new experiences and adventures to avoid feelings of boredom and discomfort. Their primary motivation is to maintain their happiness and excitement by constantly pursuing new opportunities and challenges.

What is the basic fear of Enneagram Type 7?

The most basic fear of Type 7s is missing out on exciting experiences or being deprived of stimulation. This fear often manifests as a reluctance to commit to schedules and plans, as they prefer to keep their options open for spontaneous opportunities.

What are the strengths of Enneagram Type 7 in the workplace?

Type 7s bring a wealth of strengths to the workplace, including high energy, creativity, and innovative thinking. They are excellent at generating new ideas and can inspire and motivate their teams with their enthusiasm. Their adaptability and ability to multitask make them valuable in dynamic and fast-paced environments.

What challenges do Enneagram Type 7s face in the workplace?

One of the main challenges for Type 7s is maintaining focus and completing projects. Their tendency to take on multiple responsibilities can lead to difficulties in prioritizing tasks and following through to completion. Additionally, they may struggle with confronting negative feedback or situations, preferring to stay in their comfort zone of positivity and excitement.

How can managers support Type 7 employees?

Managers can support Type 7 employees by providing a balance of structure and flexibility. Clear goals and regular feedback can help them stay focused, while opportunities for creative thinking and innovation can keep them engaged. Encouraging work-life balance and recognizing early signs of burnout are also crucial for maintaining their well-being and productivity.

What are the key differences between 7w6 and 7w8?

Type 7 with a Six wing (7w6) tends to be more grounded and responsible, with a stronger focus on collaboration and people-oriented roles. They balance their enthusiasm with a degree of caution and are often good at building relationships. In contrast, Type 7 with an Eight wing (7w8) is more assertive and goal-oriented, with a strong drive for material success and tangible results. They are natural leaders who thrive in high-pressure environments and are more independent and self-reliant.

How can Enneagram Type 7s contribute to innovation in the workplace?

Type 7s excel in roles that require creative problem-solving and forward-thinking. Their ability to generate fresh ideas and see possibilities where others see obstacles makes them invaluable in innovation-driven roles. By fostering an environment that encourages experimentation and values their input, organizations can leverage the full potential of Type 7s to drive innovation and growth.

What types of roles are best suited for Enneagram Type 7s?

Type 7s thrive in roles that offer variety, creativity, and the opportunity to explore new ideas. Ideal roles include innovation manager, marketing strategist, product development, event coordinator, and sales executive. These positions allow Type 7s to leverage their strengths and stay engaged with dynamic and challenging tasks.

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