Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever in the Workplace

Michael Jordan's relentless pursuit of success and his unmatched achievements on the basketball court perfectly embody the Enneagram Type 3 Achiever.

Michael Jordan's relentless pursuit of success and his unmatched achievements on the basketball court perfectly embody the Enneagram Type 3 Achiever. In this blog post, we'll explore what makes Type 3s tick, their strengths and challenges in the workplace, and how you can leverage their drive and ambition in your hiring strategy.

Understanding Enneagram Type 3

Enneagram Type 3, known as "The Achiever," is characterized by their ambition, adaptability, and relentless pursuit of success. In the context of hiring, understanding the traits and motivations of Type 3 individuals can be highly beneficial for talent acquisition professionals.

Enneagram Type 3s make up approximately 12-15% of the population. Type 3s are fairly evenly distributed between men and women, although slightly more prevalent among men in some studies.

Core Motivations

Type 3s are driven by a desire for success and admiration. They equate their self-worth with their achievements and recognition from others. This need to be valued and worthwhile influences their approach to work, making them highly goal-oriented and focused on tangible results.

Key Traits

  • Ambition: Type 3s set high goals and work diligently to achieve them. They often have a clear vision of their career path and take concrete steps to advance professionally.
  • Adaptability: Achievers can quickly adjust to new situations and environments, allowing them to thrive in dynamic and fast-paced workplaces. Their flexibility enables them to handle multiple projects and responsibilities effectively.
  • Competitiveness: Type 3s have a strong competitive streak and seek to outperform their peers. This competitiveness drives them to excel and can motivate their colleagues to improve performance.
  • Efficiency: Achievers are highly efficient and productive. They prioritize tasks that lead to significant results and streamline processes to maximize output.
  • Charisma: Type 3s possess strong interpersonal skills, making them persuasive and influential. They can effectively communicate their ideas and motivate others.

Understanding Type 3 Wings

Type 3 with a 2 Wing (3w2)

  • Charmer: Type 3s with a 2 wing blend their ambition with a focus on building relationships. They are more people-oriented and empathetic, using their interpersonal skills to gain support and admiration. This combination makes them effective in roles requiring teamwork and collaboration.

Type 3 with a 4 Wing (3w4)

  • Professional: Type 3s with a 4 wing combine their drive with creativity and a focus on personal excellence. They are more introspective and individualistic, striving for uniqueness in their achievements. This wing makes them well-suited for roles that require innovation and a strong personal vision.

Strengths of Enneagram Type 3 in the Workplace

nneagram Type 3 individuals, known for their ambition and drive, bring a host of valuable strengths to the workplace. Their high productivity, leadership abilities, and knack for goal achievement can propel teams and organizations toward success.

High Productivity

Type 3s are known for their high productivity. They set ambitious targets and work diligently to meet them. Their ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively ensures that projects are completed efficiently and to a high standard. This productivity can drive overall team performance and help organizations achieve their goals.

Type 3s tend to have higher income levels compared to other Enneagram types, often in the top 25th percentile of earners.

Leadership Qualities

Achievers often excel in leadership roles due to their charisma, confidence, and results-oriented approach. They can inspire and motivate their teams, setting clear goals and expectations. Their ability to communicate a compelling vision and drive performance makes them effective leaders who can steer their teams toward success.

Innovation and Initiative

Type 3s are proactive and take the initiative to bring new ideas and solutions to the table. They are not afraid to take risks if it means achieving significant results. Their forward-thinking approach can drive innovation and keep the organization competitive. This willingness to explore new opportunities can lead to breakthroughs and advancements.

Goal Achievement

Type 3s have a strong focus on goal achievement. They break down large objectives into manageable tasks and work systematically to accomplish them. Their ability to set clear, achievable goals and maintain focus ensures consistent progress and successful outcomes. This goal-oriented mindset can drive personal and organizational success.

Challenges of Enneagram Type 3 in the Workplace

Enneagram Type 3 individuals are driven achievers, but their intense focus on success can lead to specific workplace challenges. Understanding these challenges can help managers create a more supportive environment for Type 3 employees.

Risk of Burnout

The relentless pursuit of success can lead to burnout for Type 3s. Their tendency to overwork and take on too many responsibilities can result in physical and mental exhaustion. This burnout can negatively impact their health, well-being, and overall productivity. Organizations need to recognize this risk and implement measures to support their well-being.

Sensitivity to Criticism

Type 3s often tie their self-worth to their accomplishments, making them sensitive to criticism. Negative feedback can be particularly challenging and may affect their morale and performance. Constructive feedback delivered in a supportive manner is essential to help them improve without damaging their confidence.

Work-Life Balance

Achievers may struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Their focus on career success can lead to neglect of personal relationships and self-care. This imbalance can result in stress and dissatisfaction. Encouraging them to set boundaries and prioritize personal time can help mitigate these challenges.


Type 3s may have a tendency toward perfectionism, becoming overly critical of themselves and others. This drive for perfection can create a high-pressure environment and lead to stress. Helping them set realistic expectations and celebrate progress, rather than perfection, can alleviate some of this pressure.

Balancing the Dual Sides of Enneagram Type 3 in the Workplace

Achievers have both strengths and challenges that need to be balanced. Encouraging Type 3s to set realistic goals, take breaks, and celebrate small wins can help them maintain their drive without succumbing to burnout. Providing opportunities for collaboration and emphasizing the value of teamwork can also help them balance their competitive nature with the need for cooperation.

Trait Strength Weakness
Ambitious and Driven Sets and achieves high goals, driving team performance. May become overly competitive and stressed.
Confident Inspires and motivates others through their confidence. Can come off as arrogant or dismissive of others' contributions.
Adaptable Easily adjusts to changing circumstances and roles. May struggle with authenticity, adapting too much to please others.
Goal-Oriented Focuses on achieving results and meeting targets. Can overlook process and team well-being in pursuit of goals.
Efficient Optimizes processes and increases productivity. May prioritize efficiency over quality or thoroughness.
Charismatic Builds strong networks and positive impressions. Can be overly focused on image and external validation.

Hiring Strategies for Enneagram Type 3

Highlight Opportunities for Advancement

When crafting job descriptions and recruitment materials, emphasize opportunities for career growth and advancement. Type 3s are attracted to roles that offer clear paths to success and recognition. Highlighting potential career trajectories and success stories within the organization can be compelling.

Showcase Organizational Success

Type 3s want to be associated with successful and reputable organizations. Highlight your company’s achievements, awards, and industry standing to attract these high achievers. Sharing success stories and testimonials from current employees can also enhance your appeal.

Emphasize Goal-Oriented Culture

Promote a company culture that values goal setting and achievement. Type 3s thrive in environments that celebrate success and encourage continuous improvement. Providing clear metrics for success and celebrating accomplishments can attract these goal-oriented individuals.

Assessing Enneagram Type 3 Candidates

Behavioral Interviews

Use behavioral interview techniques to assess a candidate’s past achievements, problem-solving abilities, and resilience. Ask about specific instances where they set and achieved goals, overcame challenges, and demonstrated leadership. This approach provides insight into their capabilities and work ethic.

Skills Assessments

Implement skills assessments to evaluate a candidate’s competency and ability to deliver results. Type 3s will appreciate the opportunity to showcase their skills and prove their capabilities. These assessments can provide objective data on their strengths and areas for development.

Personality Assessments

Incorporate personality assessments to gain a deeper understanding of a candidate’s motivations and work style. This can help identify if they are a good fit for your organization’s culture and values. Understanding their personality can also inform how to best support and manage them.

Supporting Enneagram Type 3 Employees

Provide Regular Feedback and Recognition

Type 3s thrive on recognition and feedback. Implement regular performance reviews and celebrate their accomplishments to keep them motivated and engaged. Providing specific, constructive feedback can help them improve and feel valued.

Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Invest in the professional development of Type 3 employees. Offer training programs, mentorship opportunities, and pathways for career advancement to support their growth and ambition. Providing opportunities for learning and development can enhance their skills and career satisfaction.

Create a Supportive Work Environment

Create a supportive work environment that promotes work-life balance and well-being. Encourage Type 3s to take breaks, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care to prevent burnout. Offering resources such as wellness programs and flexible work arrangements can support their overall well-being.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Provide clear goals and expectations to keep Type 3s focused and driven. Ensure that they understand how their work contributes to the overall success of the organization. Regularly review and adjust goals to keep them aligned with organizational priorities.

Motivating Enneagram Type 3 Employees

Set Achievable Goals

Break down large projects into smaller, manageable tasks with clear milestones. This allows Type 3s to see their progress and stay motivated. Setting incremental goals can help maintain momentum and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Recognize Achievements Publicly

Public recognition of their accomplishments can be a significant motivator for Type 3s. Celebrate their successes in team meetings or company newsletters. Acknowledging their contributions in a public forum reinforces their value and boosts morale.

Provide New Challenges

Type 3s thrive on challenges. Offering them new and exciting projects can keep them engaged and motivated. Rotational assignments or special projects can provide opportunities for growth and development.

Suitable Career Options for Enneagram Type 3

Type 3s excel in roles that allow them to set and achieve goals, such as:

  • Sales and Marketing: These roles offer clear metrics for success and opportunities for recognition.
  • Executive and Leadership Positions: Type 3s can leverage their ambition and leadership skills to drive organizational success.
  • Project Management: Project management roles require goal setting, organization, and efficiency.
  • Entrepreneurship: Type 3s can create and grow their own ventures, aligning with their drive for success.
  • Public Relations: These roles combine communication skills with the need to achieve results and build a positive image.
Trait Job Aspect Career Why It Suits Enneagram Type 3
Ambitious and Driven Setting and Achieving Goals Entrepreneur Allows them to set high goals and drive business success.
Confident Inspiring Others Sales Manager Uses confidence to motivate and lead sales teams to achieve targets.
Adaptable Adjusting to Change Marketing Executive Thrives in dynamic environments and adapts strategies as needed.
Goal-Oriented Focusing on Results Project Manager Keeps projects on track to meet deadlines and targets.
Efficient Optimizing Processes Operations Manager Improves productivity and efficiency in organizational processes.
Charismatic Building Networks Public Relations Specialist Leverages charisma to build strong networks and positive public images.

The Role of the Enneagram Test in Recruitment

The Adaface Enneagram test can help identify the personality types of candidates and determine their suitability for specific roles. For Type 3 candidates, the test can highlight their strengths, potential challenges, and motivations, allowing recruiters to make more informed hiring decisions. It can also inform onboarding and development strategies to support their success.


Understanding the unique traits and motivations of Enneagram Type 3 individuals can greatly enhance your hiring and talent management strategies. By attracting, assessing, and retaining these high-performing individuals, your organization can benefit from their productivity, leadership, and innovation. Implementing the strategies outlined in this post will help you create an environment where Type 3s can thrive and contribute significantly to your company’s success.


What are the core traits of Enneagram Type 3?

Enneagram Type 3, known as "The Achiever," is characterized by their ambition, adaptability, and desire for success. They are goal-oriented, confident, and highly motivated to excel in their endeavors. Type 3s are driven by the need to be admired and recognized for their accomplishments.

How do Type 3s handle stress in the workplace?

Under stress, Type 3s may become overly competitive, workaholic, or concerned with their image. They might struggle with feelings of inadequacy if they fail to meet their high standards. It's important for Type 3s to take breaks and seek balance to avoid burnout.

What are the best career paths for Enneagram Type 3?

Type 3s thrive in careers that allow them to achieve and receive recognition for their work. Some suitable options include:

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management and Leadership roles
  • Public Relations
  • Consulting
  • Entertainment and Media

These roles leverage their drive for success and ability to inspire others.

How can managers effectively motivate Type 3 employees?

To motivate Type 3 employees, managers should:

  • Set clear and achievable goals
  • Provide regular feedback and recognition for their accomplishments
  • Offer opportunities for advancement and professional development
  • Create a competitive but supportive work environment
  • Encourage work-life balance to prevent burnout

By focusing on these areas, managers can help Type 3s stay motivated and productive.

What challenges do Type 3s face in the workplace?

Type 3s may face challenges such as overworking, being overly competitive, and struggling with authenticity. They might prioritize success over personal relationships and well-being, leading to potential burnout and stress. Managers need to help Type 3s find balance and stay true to themselves.

How can Type 3 employees balance their drive for success with personal well-being?

Type 3 employees can balance their ambition with well-being by setting realistic goals, taking regular breaks, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It's important for them to seek activities outside of work that bring joy and relaxation, and to develop strong personal relationships.

What are the strengths of Enneagram Type 3 in the workplace?

Enneagram Type 3 employees bring several strengths to the workplace:

  • High motivation and drive for success
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Adaptability and resilience
  • Leadership abilities and ability to inspire others
  • Focus on achieving results and meeting goals

These strengths make them valuable assets in dynamic and goal-oriented environments.

How can Enneagram Type 3 employees contribute to team success?

Type 3 employees contribute to team success by bringing their goal-oriented mindset, strong work ethic, and ability to motivate others. They excel at setting and achieving team goals, and their confidence and leadership can inspire team members to perform at their best. Their adaptability also helps teams navigate changes and challenges effectively.

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