The Ultimate Objectives Of Recruitment And Selection

How would you define the objectives of recruitment and selection? Why are having hiring goals essential? This articles discusses all that and more!

The Ultimate Objectives Of Recruitment And Selection
Objectives Of Recruitment And Selection

If you are a recruiter, you will agree there are certain things you cannot have enough of - strong objectives of recruitment and selection, a robust pipeline of quality candidates, and innovative hiring methods to minimize your time to hire and improve the quality of hire.

In this day and age, finding and recruiting top talent is challenging! Layoffs have become quite common in the past two years, and companies constantly need qualified talent.

On the other hand, professionals are switching job roles and/or industries more swiftly than ever because of how the pandemic wreaked havoc across the global economy and changed how we approach work. Professionals of today want greater flexibility.

They want to learn new and transferable career skills. In the end, it all boils down to how efficiently you recruit. Companies with a more thorough recruiting process can choose the best candidates for the job they want to fill. And that involves having solid objectives of recruitment and selection.

What is the meaning of recruitment and selection?

Simply put, recruitment is the process of actively seeking out potential candidates for the vacant position and encouraging them to apply for it. Selection refers to determining the best candidate(s) from the pool of applicants.

While the primary goal of both processes is to fill vacancies with the most qualified candidate, each has its individual objectives.

What are recruitment and selection objectives?

Recruitment objectives are goals set by recruiters to ensure they select suitable candidates for open job vacancies. The primary recruitment objective is to invite more candidates to apply for a vacant position.

Vacancies are notified by your company through various sources, after which an application form is made available to the candidates. Specific tasks involved in recruitment include analyzing job requirements, managing applicant responses, and shortlisting candidates.

On the other hand, selection objectives help recruiters choose the most suitable candidate and reject the rest. Some activities include resume screening, conducting assessments, eliminating unsuitable candidates, and checking references.

Resume Screening Checklist

Why is it essential to have a recruitment and selection process?

The recruitment process specifies the objectives of recruitment, highlighting the rules and regulations for implementing the recruitment program. The selection policy comprises a series of steps following which the evaluation of the candidate will be done.

If there is one thing we know for sure is that when a hire does not fit the bill, it increases the company's hiring costs substantially; the average cost per hire in the US is $4,000! Recruitment and selection are part of a multi-faceted strategy, and they fulfill the following benefits:

1. Transparency while hiring

Having a recruitment and selection process ensures everyone - the recruiter, HR personnel, and reporting or direct manager - is involved in attracting, identifying, and selecting the best candidate. Being transparent also means updating candidates about their application status.

2. Consistency in hiring results

If you set different selection criteria for every candidate, it will not be possible for you to determine the effectiveness of every individual. To achieve consistency and remove bias, you must have a standardized process. A recruitment and selection process enables that.

3. Accuracy in job descriptions

For the recruitment process to be effective, your company's needs must match that of the applicant. Similarly, a properly conducted selection process ensures the right person will join your workforce.

A well-written job description helps by clearly describing what you are looking for in an ideal candidate and what benefits you offer to new hires. Proactive candidate communication minimizes the stress of recruiting and showcases the company's clarity and openness.

4. Merit-based hires

An efficient recruitment and selection process ensures that hiring is carried out fairly and legitimately, and the candidates are not discriminated against based on their gender, race, nationality, or religion.

How would you define the objectives of recruitment and selection?

Gaining clarity on your objectives pays off eventually because it saves you the hassle of going through all trials and tribulations. Here is how you can create powerful objectives of recruitment and selection for your company:

1. Create your ideal candidate persona for quality assurance

We recommend having a persona before starting the talent sourcing process. For that, you must first gain clarity from the hiring managers about what they usually look for in a candidate. Chalk up a detailed profile and list the ideal candidate's skills, background, personal priorities, work culture preferences, and demographics.

You also sort attributes into "nice to have" and "must-haves." Even if you are lucky enough to hire the first candidate you interview, having a pool of quality candidates simplifies your hiring process as you already have a go-to source when you recruit next.


Efficient departmental heads often consider the preferences and independence of their staff and how well they treat each other - when working as a group. Therefore, find professionals who will fit into your company culture. This helps stabilize employee morale and productivity.

2. Design your employee value proposition (EVP) to attract suitable employees

Simply put, an EVP is the quickest way to tell potential applicants why they should join your company. It is the balance of the rewards and benefits employees receive in return for their performance at the workplace.

Any professional considering joining a new company thinks, "What is in it for me?" An EVP lists down the following benefits:

  • Compensation (base package, opportunity for raises, and promotions)
  • Benefits (holidays, insurance, retirement, flexibility to work)
  • Stability (growth opportunities and career advancements)
  • Respect (company culture and team camaraderie)
  • Work-life balance

An EVP must be unique and relevant as it is the key to driving talent attraction, engagement, and retention. This is also where you walk the extra mile and write compelling job descriptions highlighting the learning opportunities and support pathways you provide to all new hires.

3. Cover all talent sourcing channels possible and learn which methods work best

Once you have your persona and EVP in place, list all the best sourcing methods for recruitment and selection purposes. Get creative while executing your candidate sourcing strategies:

  • Promote job vacancies on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. You can go for both paid and organic advertising options.
  • Encourage employee referrals through a dedicated internal network and offer incentives to those whose recommendations get recruited.
  • Advertise your vacancies on generic job boards such as Glassdoor, Indeed, and Monster. Leverage niche job portals, if possible. For instance, GitHub is perfect for sourcing IT candidates. On the other hand, Behance is apt for designers and creative artists.
  • Create a separate careers page for listing and advertising the job vacancies and run Google Ads on the page to attract more applicants.
  • Attend recruitment fairs or industry meets and watch out for talented people seeking a career switch.
  • Dive deep into your Applicant Tracking System (ATS), comprising records of everyone you have ever assessed or interviewed previously, and filter those who can be a good fit.
  • Consider partnering with local nonprofits, government bodies, job training programs, and other local agencies to access potential candidates.

4. Consciously evaluate your candidates without bias and improve your brand perception

Honestly, this step takes the longest because you must invest time and effort to screen every application carefully and benchmark it against the predetermined criteria. This is especially critical if hiring for a senior position or specialized skills.

Conduct quick telephonic interviews in the beginning by asking candidates basic questions about their knowledge, skills, job expectations, and career growth plans. This is also the stage where you inform them about taking a pre-employment assessment.

Although resume screening checklists and pre-interview calls help, they are ineffective predictors of job performance. With a candidate-friendly tool like Adaface, you can assess their technical prowess, cognitive skills, and aptitude and identify candidates for the next round.

Such merit-based tests also help you avoid unintentional, conscious bias that often creeps into a typical hiring process and give all candidates a fair chance to showcase their knowledge. The selection process also involves multiple rounds of assessment and background checks.

5. Determine candidates fit for the job and company culture with structured interviews

Once the top candidates are identified post resume screening, assessments, and reference checks, they are moved to the next recruitment and selection phase, which is sitting for interviews. Conventionally, this step is done in-person or virtually with the hiring manager.

A structured interview process ensures all candidates are asked the same questions and treated fairly. It allows you to identify those who have given the same or similar suitable answers, understand your company's culture, and want to participate in it actively.


Ask questions that put them in real situations and pay attention to their conceptual knowledge, communication clarity, assertiveness, and information absorption. Focus on their body language. Are they blinking too fast? Are they sitting upright?

Learn about their career goals. Ask questions about handling pressure, prioritizing work, and delegating tasks. Allow them to ask you questions. Make notes to refer back to them before making a decision. Have another person sit with you for the interview to observe.

Whether they secure the job, candidates often remember interviews they have had. If it is positive, they will apply for other positions with your company and recommend your company to others.

Elevate your efficiency with a recruitment and selection process

When you know exactly what to expect from your candidates, you can approach hiring them in a way that makes them feel valued and respected. If you are new to recruitment and selection, start small and figure out the tools and methods that work brilliantly for you.

Minimize your effort and reach your objectives of recruitment and selection faster. Build positive relationships with candidates who show a genuine interest in joining your company.

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